Once scheduled for an appointment, an email containing confirmation of appointment, invoice, consent and medical forms, and all other necessary information about your appointment will be sent to your email.
Initial appointments consist of an extensive discussion and examination to identify root cause and factors related to your symptoms. A review of your medical history, lifestyle, needs, and goals will be emphasized and noted to ensure all-encompassing and targeted care is provided. Additionally, an introduction to treatment and final recommendations will be provided at the end of the session.
DeRousseau Concierge Physical Therapy & Wellness is an out-of-network provider and does not accept insurance at this time. This is to ensure the time and attention you receive is based on YOUR needs, not based on the limitations and red tape of health insurance companies.
You are welcome to submit a reimbursement claim yourself- however, it is not guaranteed you will receive reimbursement and DCPT&W is not responsible for any insurance reimbursement claims or processing.
MEDICARE patients: DeRousseau Concierge Physical Therapy & Wellness is not a Medicare provider. If you still wish to be seen, simple paperwork can be completed before your session. Please contact us at inquiry@kdconciergept.com or 707-266-6495 to inquire.
Wellness services provided by Dr. DeRousseau are uniquely designed to help empower and guide clients toward healthy and lifestyle balance and wellbeing.
Sessions are individually constructed and targeted on each client needs, goals, and abilities.
This will depend on each individual and a recommended prescription will be discussed in your initial evaluation.
If you are looking for ongoing maintenance program, consider our Diamond Wellness Package for savings and exponential benefits.